
So, I've accepted that I run more slowly in the morning than I do in the evening. That's fine, I accept it -- for right now. It's something I'll work on in the future.

But this morning? this morning? On top of my already slower running, my legs were completely uncooperative. I couldn't find a rhythm for the first mile, and felt as disjointed as a marionette running down the street. Eventually they began to get their act together, but the last 1/2 mile it was back to the same story. Puppet legs.

Despite this, however, my calves have been feeling a lot better both right after my runs and after stretching, so yay for that. I will say, however, that they're looking quite muscular these days -- and while that's not exactly "girly," it's kinda cool. :)

In other news, my mom found the old Merlin game (see previous post regarding the awesome 80's toy). It was fun, but we couldn't remember how to play a few of the games. I'll have to try to look up the instructions / manual online. Everything is online these days, right?