So far, so good...

So I woke up this morning (after a particularly gross bout with a stomachache yesterday -- suffice to say it involved an automatic flushing toilet and my face being all to close to said toilet / toilet water) and actually felt fine. Good, even. powers of deduction tell me that it must be the medication I'm on, and now I just need to figure out the best time to take it (before bed, so I sleep through the sicky feeling? perhaps.).

In other news, the rain continues -- rainy day count: 4. Weather forecast: rain until Saturday. At least I have about 5 hours of DVR to watch tonight when I get home! :)


  1. I love that when you talk about being sick in the bathroom, your ad at the bottom changed to bathroom remodeling...Too funny!

  2. Good to hear you are feeling better--way better than having to rush to the bathroom in heels and try to look dignified doing it. Lucky it wasn't B, she would have had to take the shoes off!
    Enjoy the DVR.