
So, I was looking in my refrigerator today and I looks like the refrigerator of a bachelor. I have the following: my brita water filter, some applesauce, 1/4 of a container of orange juice, string cheese, 1/2 a loaf of wheat bread, condiments, and a bottle of vodka that has been in there since I don't even know when. No milk. No fruit / vegetables.

My freezer, on the other hand, is packed full...although its contents probably leave something to be desired. It contains mostly lean cuisine entrees, french toast sticks, chicken nuggets, garlic bread, ravioli, and some ice cream.

Before anyone freaks out about my nutrition (or lack thereof) ... I eat a healthier diet now than I did two months ago. My main meal of the day is at work (free lunch! whoo!) and that is usually comprised of fruit, vegetables, milk, cottage cheese, and some sort of protein. This would probably explain my bare refrigerator. I will add, though, that being a 'single gal,' it's hard to cook for just one person. I don't want to eat the same leftovers for 4 days straight, and most fresh food items (fruit, veggies) go bad before I can eat them up.

Even so...I feel like I should go grocery shopping -- that applesauce is starting to look a little lonely.


  1. Sounds like someone should have gone shopping this weekend before all the rain started and we all started to grow gills! Think all the Wisconsin people will eeeevolutionalize into fish?
    Guess you could survive awhile on what's in the fridge, but can't say you will last long without the milk!