
...does anyone else remember Merlin? Because in one of those moments when someone says a word and it triggers a memory from the deepest parts of the cortex of your brain, I now remember Merlin. And how great Merlin is. Or was. All it took was someone saying "...what do I look like? Like I'm playing Merlin?" (don't ask about the situation in which this phrase was's really quite boring.) I heard this and then -- blamo! -- I remembered Merlin.

For those of you who don't remember, or for those of you who didn't have the pleasure of owning this toy in the 80's, Merlin is one of the first ever handheld games...and was quite primitve. But also possibly the most awesome. Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, and whatever it is that kids play with now that probably has a fancy graphics card and digital sound....they all pale in comparison to Merlin.
So....what is it? Well, according to the vast knowledge base that is Wikipedia, Merlin played 6 games:
  1. Tic Tac Toe
  2. Music Machine
  3. Echo (a game similar to Simon)
  4. Blackjack 13
  5. Magic Square (a pattern game)
  6. Mindbender (a game similar to Mastermind)

All of which I remember, and all of which were I may or may not have also used Merlin as a pretend phone (obviously foreshadowing to my future). Wikipedia says that it was one of the most popular handheld games in the 80' I know I'm not the only one out there that remembers Merlin. Anyone? ....Anyone?

I'm going to see if my parents still have the one I had -- and if so, I'm bringing it back.


  1. It's here-(I think) Might need some batteries though. Do they make that size anymore??

  2. a good thing that Verizon-At&T- Spint don't offer the Merlin games, at a per minute rate of course.

    Maybe that's an idea you should pitch to Motorola and Samsung. Bet it would go..

  3. didn't it laugh at you when you lost too??
    I seem to remember that..